Lam Nguyen
April 07, 2023
• 1 min read
Jobify Project a MERN job tracking application
A mini project that applied MERN stack — MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS
Track Your Job Search
- A mini project that applied MERN stack - MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS
- An application that allows users to organize their job hunting process professionally and efficiently
- Live now at
Tech Stack
- ReactJS
- Styled Component
- Axios: sending requests
- React Router
- Recharts: for graph and chart
- React Icons: react-icons
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
Other resources:
- Nodemon: automatically run server and client
- dotenv: config env secrets
- bcrypt: hashed password and handle authorization
- JWT - json web token: authentication and authorization
- validator: validation models
- express-async-errors
- express-mongo-sanitize
- xss-clean
- express-rate-limit