Lam Nguyen
August 24, 2023
What is curl?
Make basic requests with the curl command-line tool
What is curl?
curl is a command-line tool for transferring data from or to a server. It supports multiple protocols, including HTTP. In this article, you will learn how to use curl to make requests from the command-line, as well as how to parse the responses to those requests.
For example, say you are building a cryptocurrency trading app. If you built the back-end API first, you could access your exchange rate data before even building a webpage:
$ curl
"data": {
"base": "BTC",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": "33006.51"
Making GET Requests
The most basic curl command is:
Specifying a Request’s HTTP Method Using -X
By default, curl makes GET requests, but you can use the -X option (short for —request) followed by the HTTP verb (eg. PUT, POST, DELETE, etc.) of your choice to make other types of requests.
For example, to make a DELETE request to, you would run:
curl -X DELETE
curl --request DELETE
Adding Data to the Request Body Using -d
To send data in the body of a request made with curl, you can use the -d option (short for —data) followed by the data you wish to send. For example, to update the name of the user with id=1, run:
curl -X PUT -d "username=Lily"
Additional key-value pairs can be added with the ampersand & symbol:
curl -X PUT -d "username=Lily&height=180"
Note that if you include the -d option and do not specify an HTTP verb, curl will default to sending a POST request. That means that
curl -X POST -d "username=Lily"
curl -d "username=Lily"
are equivalent.
Setting the Request’s Content Type Using -H
By default, curl sends POST/PUT requests with the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If you are using curl to make a request to an API that expects to receive data in JSON format, you must set the request’s content-type to application/json by adding a request heade
Use the -H (short for —header) option, followed by the header you wish to add to your request, to specify the request’s content-type like so:
curl -d "{ \"username\": \"Lily\" }" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Parsing Server Responses Using -i
Adding the -i option (short for —include) to your curl commands will cause curl to print the response header to the command shell in addition to the response body.
$ curl -i
HTTP/2 200
date: ...
content-type: ...
Some of the client errors you are most likely to encounter include
- 401, which indicates that the client is not authenticated and therefore not allowed to access the specified resource
- 403, which indicates that the client is authenticated but not permitted to view the specified resource
- 404, which indicates that the specified resource cannot be found on the server