Lam Nguyen

Lam Nguyen

Lam Nguyen

December 24, 2023

 • 3 min read


Singly Linked List with Python

Implement Singly Linked List with Python


What is Singly Linked List?

  • A singly linked list is a linear data structure in which the elements are not stored in contiguous memory locations and each element is connected only to its next element using a pointer.

Singly Linked List Implementation


  1. Create a Node class with the following features

    a. A constructor that takes a value as an argument and initializes the value attribute of the node.

    b. A next attribute, initialized to None, which will store a reference to the next node in the list.

  2. Create a LinkedList class with the following features:

    a. A constructor that takes a value as an argument, creates a new Node with that value, and initializes the head and tail attributes of the linked list to point to the new node.

    b. A length attribute, initialized to 1, which represents the current number of nodes in the list.

class Node:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value  = None

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self, value):
        new_node = Node(value)
        self.head = new_node
        self.tail = new_node
        self.length = 1

    def print_list(self):
        temp = self.head
        while temp is not None:
            temp =

    def make_empty(self):
        self.head = None
        self.tail = None
        self.length = 0


  • Implement the append method for the LinkedList class. The append method should add a new node with a given value to the end of the linked list, updating the tail attribute and the length attribute accordingly.

  • Big O: O(1)

    • No matter how large the linked list is, the number of operations taken to execute append remains constant
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def append(self, value):
  # Create a new node with the given value
  new_node = Node(value)

  # Check to see if the linked list is empty
  if self.head is None:
    # Point both head and tail at the new node
    self.head = new_node
    self.tail = new_node
    # Point the next pointer of the last node at the new node = new_node
    # Point tail at the new node
    self.tail = new_node

  # Increment the length of the linked list
  self.length += 1


  • The pop method should remove the last node (tail) from the linked list and return the removed node. If the list is empty, the method should return None.

  • After the last node is removed, the second-to-last node should become the new tail of the list.

  • Big O: O(n)

    • Iterate over the linked list until reach the tail.
    • Update the tail
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def pop(self):
  # Check if the list is empty
  if self.length == 0:
    return None
  # Initialize temp and pre to the head
  temp = self.head
  pre = self.head
  # Iterate until the last node
    pre = temp
    temp =
  # Set the new tail to the previous node
  self.tail = pre
  # Remove link to the removed node = None
  # Decrement list length by 1
  self.length -= 1
  # Check if the list is now empty
  if self.length == 0:
    # Set head and tail to None
    self.head = None
    self.tail = None
  # Return the removed node
  return temp


  • The prepend method should add a new node with a given value to the beginning of the linked list, updating the head attribute and the length attribute accordingly.

  • Big O: O(1)

    • Constant time
    • Just need to add and update the head attribute
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def prepend(self, value):
  # Create a new Node with the given value
  new_node = Node(value)

  # Check if the linked list is empty
  if self.length == 0:
    # Set the head and tail attributes to the new node
    self.head = new_node
    self.tail = new_node
    # Set the next attribute of the new node to the current head = self.head
    # Update the head attribute to the new node
    self.head = new_node

  # Increment the length attribute of the LinkedList
  self.length += 1

  # Return True to indicate a successful operation
  return True

Pop First

  • The pop_first method should remove the first node (the head) from the linked list, update the head attribute and the length attribute accordingly, and return the removed node.

  • Big O: O(1)

    • Constant time
    • Remove the first node (the head) from the linked list
    • Update the head attribute and the length attribute
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def pop_first(self):
  # Check if the list is empty
  if self.length == 0:
    return None

  # Save a reference to the current head node
  temp = self.head

  # Update the head to the second node in the list
  self.head =

  # Disconnect the removed node from the list = None

  # Decrease the length of the list by 1
  self.length -= 1

  # Check if the list is now empty
  if self.length == 0:
    # Set the tail to None if the list is empty
    self.tail = None

  # Return the removed node
  return temp


  • The get method should take an integer index as a parameter and return a pointer to the node at the specified index in the linked list.

  • Big O: O(n)

    • Iterate through the list until the specified index is
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def get(self, index):
    # Check if the given index is out of bounds
    if index < 0 or index >= self.length:
        return None

    # Initialize a temporary variable to the head of the list
    temp = self.head

    # Traverse the list 'index' times
    for _ in range(index):
        # Move the temporary variable to the next node in the list
        temp =

    # Return the node at the specified index
    return temp


  • The set_value method should take an integer index and a value as parameters and update the value of the node at the specified index in the linked list.

  • Big O: O(n)

    • set_value uses the get method, which is O(n), to iterate through the linked list
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def set_value(self, index, value):
    # Call the 'get' method to find the node at the specified index
    temp = self.get(index)

    # Check if a valid node was found at the specified index
    if temp:
        # Update the value of the found node with the given value
        temp.value = value

        # Return True to indicate that the value was updated successfully
        return True

    # If no valid node was found, return False to indicate that
    # the value was not updated
    return False


  • The insert method should take an integer index and a value as parameters and insert a new node with the given value at the specified index in the linked list.

  • Big O: O(n)

    • insert uses the get method, which is O(n), to iterate through the linked list
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def insert(self, index, value):
    # Check if index is out of bounds
    if index < 0 or index > self.length:
        return False
    # If index is 0, prepend the value
    if index == 0:
        return self.prepend(value)
    # If index is at the end, append the value
    if index == self.length:
        return self.append(value)
    # Create a new node with the value
    new_node = Node(value)
    # Get the node just before the insertion point
    temp = self.get(index - 1)
    # Set new_node's next to temp's next =
    # Update temp's next to the new_node = new_node
    # Increment the length of the list
    self.length += 1
    # Return True as node inserted successfully
    return True


  • The remove method should take an integer index as a parameter and remove the node at the specified index in the linked list, returning the removed node.

  • Big O: O(n)

    • remove uses the get method, which is O(n), to iterate through the linked list
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def remove(self, index):
    # Check if index is out of bounds
    if index < 0 or index >= self.length:
        return None
    # Remove and return the first node
    if index == 0:
        return self.pop_first()
    # Remove and return the last node
    if index == self.length - 1:
        return self.pop()
    # Get the previous node
    pre = self.get(index - 1)
    # Set temp to the node to be removed
    temp =
    # Update to skip the removed node =
    # Disconnect the removed node = None
    # Decrement the list length
    self.length -= 1
    # Return the removed node
    return temp


  • The reverse method should reverse the order of the nodes in the linked list so that the head becomes the tail and the tail becomes the head.

  • Big O: O(n)

    • Iterate through the linked list to swap each node
  • Implementation:

    • Please note: the method should be inside the LinkedList class.
def reverse(self):
    # Swap the head and tail pointers
    temp = self.head
    self.head = self.tail
    self.tail = temp

    # Initialize variables for the next and previous nodes
    after =
    before = None

    # Iterate through the list to reverse the next pointers
    for _ in range(self.length):
        # Store the next node in the list
        after =

        # Update the current node's next pointer to the previous node = before

        # Move the previous node to the current node
        before = temp

        # Move the current node to the next node in the list
        temp = after

This is the end of Singly LinkedList Implementation


PythonDSASingly Linked List

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